

Release · shadowsocks/shadowsocks-windows

📝 Release Notes Add the support of plain/none cipher. 📦 File Info Shadowsocks- MD5: bb8fabe90e342c166aa227ad9978e36b SHA1: 1aab2b5f41c1c90ba8024c5a8bb8f902e7600727 SHA256: 62b74a688d2…

Release v1.20.1 · shadowsocks/shadowsocks-rust

Bug Fixes local-online-config: SIP008 auto reload configuration task will add online servers without replacing the existed ones. This bug will eventually cause sslocal consumes too many memories a…

Release Outline Client 1.10.1 for Windows and Linux · Jigsaw-Code/outline-apps

Outline Client and Manager, developed by Jigsaw. Outline Manager makes it easy to create your own VPN server. Outline Client lets you share access to your VPN with anyone in your network, giving them access to the free and open internet.

Release 3.26 · MatsuriDayo/nekoray

Qt based cross-platform GUI proxy configuration manager (backend: sing-box) – Release 3.26 · MatsuriDayo/nekoray

Mac OS

可以直接使用 iOS 应用,获取更好的使用体验

Release v1.10.2 · shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG

What’s Changed Delay write of plist file to fix frequent notification issue on Ventura by @bdyebd in #1461 New Contributors @bdyebd made their first contribution in #1461 Full Changelog: v1.10….

Release 3.26 macOS (Intel + Apple) · abbasnaqdi/nekoray-macos

Request for MacBook ARM chips Sponsorship I urgently need a sponsor to provide a MacBook with an ARM processor, or a donation to purchase one. This would enable full compatibility between the NekoR…

‎Outline-Secure internet access

‎Outline is an easy way for you to set up your own virtual private network (VPN) server to more safely access the open internet and keep your communications private. If you have received an access key, download the Outline app to get started. If you haven’t received an access key, you’ll first ne…

Surge Mac – Advanced Web Debugging Proxy for Mac & iOS

Surge for Mac


Release v5.3.3 · shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android

A shadowsocks client for Android. Contribute to shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android development by creating an account on GitHub.

Tags · dyhkwong/SagerNet

A fork of SagerNet powered by V2Ray and its derivatives, mainly for satisfying personal needs. – Tags · dyhkwong/SagerNet

Release 1.2.9 · MatsuriDayo/NekoBoxForAndroid

990df9f 更新 sing-box 1.6.rc3 6230dcf 优化中文翻译 7c4a965 修复手动添加socks服务器不可以填写密码(#376) 51889ed 添加 ECH 支持(#373) 5dc09ca 删除更新提醒 b77d1fc 第一次使用 VPN 时弹窗提醒(Google Play 政策要求需有提示)

Release 0.8.1-rc03 · SagerNet/SagerNet

The universal proxy toolchain for Android. Contribute to SagerNet/SagerNet development by creating an account on GitHub.

No Title

No Description



‎Rule based proxy utility client for iPhone/iPad. – Capture all HTTP/HTTPS/TCP traffic from any applications on your device, and redirect to the proxy server. – Record and display HTTP, HTTPS, DNS requests from your iOS devices. – Configure rules using domain match, domain suffix, domain keyword, CI…

‎Outline App

‎Outline is an easy way for you to set up your own virtual private network (VPN) server to more safely access the open internet and keep your communications private. If you have received an access key, download the Outline app to get started. If you haven’t received an access key, you’ll first ne…


GitHub – hq450/fancyss: fancyss is a project providing tools to across the GFW on asuswrt/merlin based router.

fancyss is a project providing tools to across the GFW on asuswrt/merlin based router. – hq450/fancyss

其他 iOS



DUN.IM 客户端配置简明教程 | DUN.IM BLOG

这里以 iOS 及 Windows 为例,其他平台客户端基本自带规则,只需要参考 iOS 填入你在 DUN.IM 获取的配置信息即可。macOS 推荐直接使用 iOS 应用,获取更好的使用体验。 下载客户端 https://mp.dun.im/get Surge iOS 添加代理配置 进入 App 首页,点击「代理服务器」选择开通的服务,根据订单信息添加「SS」代理配置,并启动服务。 订阅配置 首页点击左上角「Surge 图标」,选择「从 URL 下载配置」,填写配置链接,并选中新的配置。 https:&# …

Shadowsocks 当前全平台可用客户端汇总 | DUN.IM BLOG

iOS - 国区可下载: Quantumult OpenWingy SuperWingy Detour SkipWorld Kitsunebi - $1.99 Banana - ¥25 SsrConnectPro 寒梅 - Mume Red - $9.99 iOS - 国区下架,其他区可下载: Surge - $39.99 Shadowrocket - $2.99 Wingy XNode A.BIG.T Potatso 2 Potatso Lite AnyFlow Shadowing Shadowfish …


翻墙导航 | DUN.IM BLOG

社交网站 推特〔Twitter〕 一、使用推特进行强交互式阅读,别人会把有价值的内容自动推到你眼前,节省筛选时间,信息获取效率更高。二、把自己的观点发布到推特上,可以随时接受他人的检验。三、推特涨粉终极法则:持续提供有价值的信息,包括事实或观点。脸书〔Facebook〕港台及其他地方很多社会运动都是通过脸书发起,可前去参观学习。如:占领中环Free Liu-Xiaobo。Google+ …

代理转全局 – Proxifier [Mac/Win] 强大的网络转发定向工具 – DUN.IM

Proxifier Downloads

Here, you can download a fully-functional copy of Proxifier and use it for 31 days for free. You will need to buy it if you decide to continue using it beyond the trial period. Here, you can download a fully-functional copy of Proxifier and use it for 31 days for free.

WireGuard 使用说明 – DUN.IM

TunSafe: High Performance WireGuard VPN Client for Windows

TunSafe: High Performance WireGuard VPN Client for Windows. TunSafe makes it extremely simple to setup secure VPN tunnels between Windows and Linux.

TunSafe: High Performance WireGuard VPN Client for Windows

TunSafe: High Performance WireGuard VPN Client for Windows. TunSafe makes it extremely simple to setup secure VPN tunnels between Windows and Linux.

‎Surge 5

‎Surge is a web development and proxy utility. It is designed for developers and therefore requires professional knowledge to use. These four capabilities form the core workflow of Surge: · Takeover: You can take over the network connection sent by the device. Surge supports both proxy service and v…

Release 1.2.9 · MatsuriDayo/NekoBoxForAndroid

990df9f 更新 sing-box 1.6.rc3 6230dcf 优化中文翻译 7c4a965 修复手动添加socks服务器不可以填写密码(#376) 51889ed 添加 ECH 支持(#373) 5dc09ca 删除更新提醒 b77d1fc 第一次使用 VPN 时弹窗提醒(Google Play 政策要求需有提示)

Release 0.8.1-rc03 · SagerNet/SagerNet

The universal proxy toolchain for Android. Contribute to SagerNet/SagerNet development by creating an account on GitHub.

OpenVPN 使用说明 – DUN.IM

Community Downloads – Open Source VPN | OpenVPN

The OpenVPN community shares the open source OpenVPN. Download the latest version of the open source VPN release OpenVPN 2.6.3 for a secure network.

Dispatch-proxy – 免费开源,简单无限制合并多个网络连接,带宽叠加,提升网速,加速上传下载 – DUN.IM

Dispatch-proxy – 免费开源,简单无限制合并多个网络连接,带宽叠加,提升网速,加速上传下载 | DUN.IM BLOG

大多数人都拥有多个互联网连接,有线以太网连接, Wi-Fi,以及使用流量的多个 3G / 4G /5G 连接。尽管有许多不同的连接可能性,但计算机一次只会使用一个连接。 Dispatch-proxy 是一个免费开源的多网络聚合工具,利用 SOCKS5/HTTP 代理,能够将所有连入当前 PC 的网络适配器(如 Wi-Fi、3G 或有线宽带等)所提供的网络资源叠加合并到一个负载平衡的大网络 ,实现更快的网速。举个例子,你当前的 PC 同时接入了 10M 的有线宽带和一个 5M 的 3G 上网卡,通过 Disp …

社会工程学 – 网络信息情报工具汇总 | DUN.IM BLOG

名单有点长,附有一些简短的指南,更详细地突出了这些工具的用法。大多数工具名字就是它们的用途。  地理空间数据信息 验证信息真伪、跟踪事件发展 Bing Maps:Microsoft 卫星和地图服务。拥有比谷歌更新更快分辨率更高的图像;缺点是检查图像的日期比较难;converting coordinates:这是一个转换地理坐标的工具;Copernicus:欧洲航天局的网站以及哥白尼六哨兵卫星的图像。比 Landsat 的分辨率更高。请参阅网站 GISGeography 上有关如何下载和免费图像的说明;Des …


Adguard – 最强的广告屏蔽神器 | DUN.IM BLOG

Adguard 是非常有名的广告拦截软件,是我用过最好用的广告屏蔽神器,没有之一。 它几乎支持所有广告拦截,为你提供了一个可靠的、可管理的保护破解版移除所有烦人广告,阻止危险网站的加载,也不会允许任何人在网上跟踪你的活动,不管是浏览网页、看视频、弹窗等广告都是可以帮你拦截掉。 修改语言 可以直接点击左下角的”Settings”,设置中文 全面的过滤器选项 Adguard …


五款具有超级隐私保护性的匿名浏览器 | DUN.IM BLOG

毫无疑问,在目前任何种类的设备上,安装和使用得最多的就是浏览器了,但并非所有的浏览器都可以帮你保密。因此,对于那些十分重视匿名性的同学们来说,暗网浏览器绝对是他们关注的焦点。 普通的浏览器都有 Cookie、个性化广告和浏览记录跟踪等功能,在这种情况下,人们的隐私就无法得到保障,而且也并不是所有人都愿意向第三方透露他们在网上的浏览内容,这也突出了暗网浏览器的重要性。 关于暗网 …

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